Update 6
Worlds and locations
In the Time Sword game, the player will have to travel to various locations from the two different worlds:

One world is our reality. Here one can see the recreated setup of a small modern town where every resident of the post-Soviet space can find something familiar: quiet streets and courtyards, playgrounds and parks, construction sites and high-rise buildings. Besides, the wild nature with abandoned villages where the player will also have to get is not deprived of attention, either.

The other world is a fantasy world with the technology at the intersection of steampunk and sorcery that is populated by extraordinary mystical creatures, which have become prototypes for many Slavic fairytale characters. However, this world has long been in decline. Instead of the peaceful creatures that used to live in it, it is now inhabited only by angry spirits. They became material only in an unfortunate coincidence, and they are hunting everything alive.

Gradually, from chapter to chapter, the borders between the two worlds vanish: the city is changing and falling apart, more and more collisions appear in it, through which objects and creatures from another world squeeze in. The player is outside of time and space — in the void between the worlds, in a place where only Koshchei had been before, and from which he was unable to return the same person.